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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saving Money on Diapers with Amazon.com

It's been a while since I've posted any deals (following a toddler around is time consuming and exhausting!). But there are some great sources for saving money on diapers right now and I had to share.

Amazon Mom
This program on Amazon is fantastic...you receive 15% off your baby store purchase, free prime membership for 3 months (which gives you free 2 day shipping), and for every $25 purchase you get another month of Prime services up to a year (free 2 day shipping). You can make the membership even sweeter by using their
subscribe and save program which takes another 15% off your purchase. You just have to remember to unsubscribe after your item has shipped!

Now! Here's an another amazing addition to your 30% savings: Amazon has been putting 20% coupons and $10 off coupons in a number of baby magazines:
Baby Talk, Parents, Parenting The Early Years, American Baby. You can click the links for Baby Talk and American Baby to sign up for a free subscription.
These coupons can be used in addition to the savings from Amazon Mom and you can use more than one for a sweet or free deal!!

Parents Magazine
is available on
Barnesandnoble.com for $4.97, use coupon code K4M8W9D to knock it down to $1.

Parenting The Early Years is also available at
Barnesandnoble.com $4.97 for a 2 year subscription

Babies R Us and doctor's offices frequently have free copies of these magazines. So search them out and save lots of money!!!
I hope this is clear. Feel free to comment if you need me to expand on this!